Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kids at Little Feet

So you may have already read my post about how I got here; there were a lot of life events that led up to this current role. Us shoe people don't end up the way we do by mistake you know ;). It's sort of a calling. If you've ever talked to any other "Shoe Dog", as we are often called, you would probably agree that we are a special "Breed" :). But let me just add that this is the most fulfilling experience I've ever had in all my involvement within the retail footwear industry. Working with children and their parents as clients is deeply gratifying in more ways than I am guessing you might know, unless I explain a little...

First off, don't get me wrong, I loved being a part of the women's shoe universe. I could tell too many stories about the raptures of smelling a great aromatic (Nerd Alert!) leather boot or admiring the gentle slope of a really well sculpted wedge heel. I would bore some I'm sure but I trust there are several out there who can appreciate those sentiments regarding the world women's shoes ;).
But children add something to the experience that has reached into my gut, bearing witness that I have arrived at something more internally fulfilling, for lack of a better term. I'd like to share because it never hurts to be reminded of just how important little ones are in the lives of the people in a community.
What do I mean? Well consider this: there are so many events, emotions and people tugging at all of our senses on a daily basis, and that can be overwhelming, managing it all. Our various worlds are all interfacing day after day, and we are sometimes lucky to come away from it  at the end of the day, without being drained and exhausted. We're bogged down with bills and shopping lists. Maybe some are dealing with a broken down car,  perhaps others are feeling drained from managing a relationship with a co-worker or a relative. Students may be concerned about tests, Bosses may be concerned about numbers. There's always something.  But you keep things light in a manner of speaking. Really. That fresh perspective can really help take the edge off. Kids offer that nugget of perspective that's so simple, so pure, so true and often big smile inducing. They can be quite entertaining and insightful! They don't  mean to be, but they have a knack for illustrating the nuances of human behavior at its simplest, which can be a gentle reminder of how ridiculously complicated us adults make things! I'm glad to have the opportunity to catch some of the humor in my moments with children.
Recently there was this one little guy Cade, about 4 years old, who came in. He's always with his big (6,7 years?)brother. He just wants to BE that big brother. He watches everything his older sibling does, and copies it, word for word, action for action, as if no one will notice that this wasn't the first time we saw that. I'll tell you what I found so funny about it. Lets be honest, that's what grown people do too, but we  try to be subtle with our antics. We "copy" and "borrow" ideas and mannerisms if we think they are interesting or they might round out our social repertoire. We buy our magazines and products hoping to emulate whatever will make us more interesting, attractive or hip. The difference being that we adopt those ideas quietly and then try them out subtly with our friends and colleagues. With kids, what you see is what you get. If they are "trying to impress", you know it! 
 Kids aren't bogged down like you and me. They just say what they mean and mean what they say and that's all there is to it. I guess I just appreciate how that really serves to keep things light. It makes for a really nice break from all the complexity us adults are contending with on a regular basis, that sometimes puts a furrow in our brow.
This same little guy, I remember the last time I measured his foot. He held on to every word that came out of my mouth. He wanted to be sure he got his part right. He grabbed onto my shoulder while standing and I could hear him breathing really loud, concentrating with all his might on being the best little guy to get his foot measured ever.  I laughed out loud because his eagerness was so sweet. His mom had a chuckle too; he was trying so hard.  In addition to the obvious humor of it all, that kind of interaction makes me feel good, as it made him feel important and mom got a moment's relief from her constant role of  being the "leader/guru". Those kinds of events just reach in and touch my heart so I feel lucky to experience them on a daily basis.
Kids can just generously and shamelessly make our days. I always get a kick out of it when a child calls me "teacher" which I consider a high compliment! Teachers are important leaders to our children, so for me to get in on that title, I consider myself lucky!
Another example of a little one bringing a great big smile to my face was this one time when after having a successful fitting with a very captive "student", a boy of about 2 1/2 years, I  wrapped up and sent Mother and Son on their way, returning to the task I was working on before they had arrived. I had been working near the front door and  was setting some items on a small low display table while I re-merchandised an adjacent wall. I had opened the front door, as it was a light breezy day and it felt good to get some fresh air. I could see Mom, out of the corner of my eye, who was meandering a bit, looking at a menu posted on the window at the deli right next door. Well the little guy was sort of slowly shuffling back in the direction of our Shoe Store, so I kept an eye out, in case a second set of eyes was needed. It wasn't long before he had scooted his way back inside the door. Mom had noticed too, saw me there, and took a moment to wrap up taking in the menu items figuring her guy was adequately corralled for the moment. I said "well howdy again" to the toddler and smiled. From there I noted he suddenly planted  his little diaper bum on the low table I was working off of. It was then that he slowly, methodically scoot scoot scooted his little bottom closer and closer and closer, in small increments mind you, towards me where I was working. At last I felt a slight bump. A little bit of heavily padded contact, if you will. And there he was just sidling up, shyly smiling. It was sweet. The fact that this little guy had mapped out his target and then proceeded to orchestrate his version of a "covert" attack, just to say in his own way "Hey, I like you", well that just tickled me :). Yes, this is the stuff that makes my day!
Sometimes it's something as silly as the little girl Sophie who after donning new sneakers, suddenly took off running, and excited, called back, "WOW! These are FAST!" Mama chimed in laughing, pointing out, "Well Sophie, that's you! YOU'RE fast!" Little Sophie then "realized" her mistake, at first surprised but then, impressed with herself :).
Yes it's fun for me. I know I know! You are probably not always feeling the same Mom, Dad, Grandma, and I get it. You have so many responsibilities with caring for that child, and here I am, saying its easy and fun. I just ask that you forgive me for having the luxury to just enjoy all these precious children. Of course then I just go home.  No Naps, No crying, No Diapers for me... How lucky am I?
But seriously, I do want to thank you for letting me be a part of your lives, because I learn a little more everyday from these kids about life, about what is really important, and mostly, just how to smile :).

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